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Mithé Espelt

Mithé Espelt (1923-2020), Small mirror - created in 1948 CerbeShops Referenz: 41 05 81

1 450

Zustand : Sehr guter Zustand
Jahr : 1948
Farbe : Golden
Material : Keramik
Kategorie : Spiegel
Durchmesser : 15 cm (6 in.)

Mithé ESPELT (Marie-Thérèse Espelt, named)


Small mirror - created in 1948

A. Candau, Ed. Odyssée, 2020. similar model p.72

Green felt on the back

Versand innerhalb von 24 Stunden.

Bibliography : Mithé Espelt, The discreet luxury of the everyday, A. Candau, Ed. Odyssée, 2020. similar model p.72

Condition : Very good overall condition. Each object is vintage and may show signs of wear of time.

Versand innerhalb von 24 Stunden

Green felt on the back

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14 Tage Bedenkzeit


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